My programming journey began when I started my IT associate degree. Prior to that I had zero knowledge of coding and development. I got into this lovely and passion career. Ever since I wrote my first block of code, I knew that I had to dive more into it. From then onwards, I spent almost two-thirds of my time learning about it and trying out various technologies and frameworks.
Name :zakaria azaraf
skype :zakariaazaraf
phone :+21229221997
Experience :1 year
adresse :Hay El Mohammadi Chichaoua, Morocco
Youtube, Udmey, Lenda and Coursera Courses
ISGI Marrakech, Morocco
Imam Alboukhari Chichaoua, Morocco
architects and develop websites and applications using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, libraries And fraemworks)
See Works Sectionwriting the web services and APIs, Web application Logic used by front-end using (PHP, MYSQL, C#, NODE and Frameworks)
See Works SectionDevelop the applications From Zero, Including the analysis and much more
See Works Sectionhtml, css, js, NodeJs, expressJs, MongoDb, Mongoose, REST API, MVC, ejs, Deployment, design, git/github
html, css, js, NodeJs, expressJs, MongoDb, Mongoose, REST API, MVC, ejs, Deployment, design, git/github
html, css, js, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, design, git/github, responsive
html/html5, css/css3, js, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, design, git/github, php, mysql, design, mvc, security
html, css, js, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, Design, Responsive
html, css, js, ES6, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, Desgin, Responsive, Localstorage, API, Contentful
html, css, vanilla Js, fontawesome, design, Responsive
React {hooks, useState, useEffect, Jsx}, html, css, js, Es6, Api Movies, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, design, Responsive
html, css, js , bootstrap, fontawesome, design
html, css, js, ES6, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, design, API
html, css, js, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, design
html, css, js
html, css, js, jquery
html, css, js
Let's get some work done! Contact me via Email and we can find the best solution to your problems. Or just drop in to say hi! I am @zakariaazaraf on pretty much every platform. Hope you enjoyed your visit. See you soon! 😀
zakaria ben salek
hay el mohammadi chichaoua, morocco