
zakaria azaraf

I'm a Developer Designer Freelancer

my resume

profil image

Hi, I am Zakaria Azaraf, Creative & Enthusiast Software Developer.

My programming journey began when I started my IT associate degree. Prior to that I had zero knowledge of coding and development. I got into this lovely and passion career. Ever since I wrote my first block of code, I knew that I had to dive more into it. From then onwards, I spent almost two-thirds of my time learning about it and trying out various technologies and frameworks.

Name :zakaria azaraf

skype :zakariaazaraf

phone :+21229221997

Experience :1 year

adresse :Hay El Mohammadi Chichaoua, Morocco



2019 - Now

Self Taught

Youtube, Udmey, Lenda and Coursera Courses

2017 - 2019

Associate Degree In IT

ISGI Marrakech, Morocco

2016 - 2017

High School

Imam Alboukhari Chichaoua, Morocco


2020 - Now

front-end developer

architects and develop websites and applications using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, libraries And fraemworks)

See Works Section
2019 - Now

back-end developer

writing the web services and APIs, Web application Logic used by front-end using (PHP, MYSQL, C#, NODE and Frameworks)

See Works Section
2020 - Now

Fullstack Developer

Develop the applications From Zero, Including the analysis and much more

See Works Section

my works


Shooping Store

technologies used :

html, css, js, NodeJs, expressJs, MongoDb, Mongoose, REST API, MVC, ejs, Deployment, design, git/github

description :
  • Developing an Online Store Displaying Products, price, clients and Manging Them
  • built entire website with up to date technologies and freamworks

Online Libray

technologies used :

html, css, js, NodeJs, expressJs, MongoDb, Mongoose, REST API, MVC, ejs, Deployment, design, git/github

description :
  • Build Online Library containing my fevorite books and authors
  • built entire website with up to date technologies and freamworks

my personal portfolio

technologies used :

html, css, js, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, design, git/github, responsive

description :
  • developed my personal portfolio, which gave me a huage presance in the market by showcasing my abilities and talents to help firmes and individuals develop their business online
  • built entire website with up to date technologies and freamworks

eCommerce project

technologies used :

html/html5, css/css3, js, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, design, git/github, php, mysql, design, mvc, security

description :
  • developed admin panel, which improved internal operation effeciency on users, categories, products, comments
  • authontification system for users to be able to post thier products after approvel from the admins
  • Rebuilt entire website with up to date technologies and freamworks

Company Services for Software developement

technologies used :

html, css, js, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, Design, Responsive

description :
  • develop a company website for showcase their services to get more clients in the field
Shopping card website

shopping website card

technologies used :

html, css, js, ES6, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, Desgin, Responsive, Localstorage, API, Contentful

description :
  • Create a landing page which display product came from an api
  • build a card basket functionality for prices and add/remove product

Europix Movie website

technologies used :

html, css, vanilla Js, fontawesome, design, Responsive

description :
  • Create a landing page movie website with up to date technologies

React Movies website

technologies used :

React {hooks, useState, useEffect, Jsx}, html, css, js, Es6, Api Movies, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, design, Responsive

description :
  • developed a landing page movies using api movies and React

netflex website

technologies used :

html, css, js , bootstrap, fontawesome, design

description :
  • Create a netflex home page with up to date technologies and mobile first
search tv show

search for a tv show using api

technologies used :

html, css, js, ES6, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, design, API

description :
  • developed a search tv show page usign an api
Design training

simple design & random images

technologies used :

html, css, js, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome, design

description :
  • Create a simple page with random background and color change functionality
flexbox training

flexbox responsive design

technologies used :

html, css, js

description :
  • Build a landing page with flexbox and responsive design
fiter images

filter images project

technologies used :

html, css, js, jquery

description :
  • developed a filter images functionality
clock wall project

clock wall project

technologies used :

html, css, js

description :
  • Craete a real time clock wall using js

contact me

contact form

contact info

Let's get some work done! Contact me via Email and we can find the best solution to your problems. Or just drop in to say hi! I am @zakariaazaraf on pretty much every platform. Hope you enjoyed your visit. See you soon! 😀